Nihar Wellness – Yoga


“My name is Priya, and for years, back pain was my constant companion. It stole the joy from dancing at weddings and playing with my grandchildren. Then, I met Nihar Sultana at Nihar Wellness. It wasn’t just yoga; it was a miracle! With her gentle guidance, my pain faded away, replaced by a newfound strength and flexibility. Now, I swirl at sangeets and chase my grandkids without a worry. Nihar, you’re a goddess in disguise!”

Priya: Indian
Happy Client

“As a businessman, I understand the value of a holistic approach to health. Nihar Sultana’s expertise at Nihar Wellness is unparalleled. Her understanding of both Eastern and Western medical philosophies allowed me to address my sciatica pain and tendonitis in a comprehensive way. The yoga program wasn’t just about stretching; it was about understanding my body and mind as a connected system. My pain is gone, and my energy is through the roof.  Nihar, you’re a game-changer!”

Sir Karim: UAE
Happy Client

“Nihar Sultana? More like Wonderwoman! Since joining Nihar Wellness, my weight loss journey has been a breeze. It’s not just about counting calories; it’s about mindful eating and movement. The yoga sessions are fun, not faddy, and Nihar’s encouragement is infectious. I’ve shed the kilos and found a love for yoga that’s here to stay. Cheers to you, Nihar!”

Ms. Rebecca : British
Happy Client

“Prior to Nihar Wellness, my hormonal imbalances were impacting my productivity and well-being. Nihar Sultana’s customized yoga program, combined with her nutritional advice, has been a revelation. It’s a scientific approach to holistic health, with measurable results. My hormones are balanced, my energy is soaring, and my business is thriving.  Nihar, thank you for your expertise and ROI!”

Ms. Nancy: Chinese
Happy Client

“Listen, habibi, if you’re struggling with respiratory issues, forget the pharmacies, come to Nihar Wellness!  Nihar Sultana’s yoga practice is like magic for your lungs. The breathing exercises are simple yet powerful, and they’ve cleared my sinuses and boosted my energy like no medicine ever could. Now, I can climb those Dubai hills without getting winded. Shukran, Nihar, you’re a lifesaver!”

Madam Roula: Lebanese
Happy Client

“Ah, Nihar Sultana, a true sorceress of well-being! My digestive woes were a constant source of French cuisine-induced woes. Then, Nihar Wellness entered my life. The combination of yoga postures and Nihar’s knowledge of Ayurveda has been a symphony for my system. My digestion is purring like a contented cat, and my palate is rediscovering the joys of French gastronomy without regret. Merci mille fois, Nihar, vous êtes une artiste du bien-être!”

Madam Mereille -French
Happy Client

“I did Face Yoga with Nihal and my face feels so fresh and when  did use her thumbs to tell me where to press to relieve amy tension and my eyes felt so much relief. My face looks younger and my children recently complemented me. It made my day.”

Madam Ebtissam Khwaneej
Happy Client

“7 kilos down, stress replaced by bliss! You didn’t just teach me yoga,  Nihar, you showed me a path to a lighter, brighter me. Every pose, every breath, you guided me with such kindness and wisdom. Thank you for unlocking my inner strength and joy! Yoga with you is pure magic.”

Madam Abeer Al Twar
Happy Client

“Wrinkles? Where wrinkles?!  Nihar, you’ve turned back time for my face! It’s not just firmer, it glows! Your magic blend of face yoga and acupressure feels like a sculptor crafting my youth back into existence. Every pinch, every stretch, pure transformation. I swear, even my smile lines wink now! Thank you for unlocking the fountain of youth in my own face. You’re a miracle worker!”

Madam Ibtissam Al Mizhar
Happy Client