Nihar Wellness – Yoga

Face Yoga

"Sculpt your smile and transform frowns into crowns, as you bid goodbye to stress lines and welcome a brightness that truly shines with Face Yoga."


Why Face Yoga

Turns out, people don’t need to opt for beauty treatments to lift their mood, or boost their self-esteem. Yoga can also do the trick. If you are aspiring for supple and glowing skin, the solution may actually be a selection of yoga poses and exercises, says beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain.Regular yoga practice, pranayama, and meditation can help to reverse the signs of ageing, including wrinkles, saggy skin, crow’s feet, and fine lines. Those who regularly practice yoga have a glow and look more youthful. “Good health and beauty are two sides of the same coin. Unless you are healthy from the inside, you cannot reflect true beauty. For flawless skin, shiny hair and a slim figure, good health must be on top of your list”, says Hussain.

Yoga helps to promote blood circulation and oxygenation to the scalp and hair follicles. This helps to supply nutrients in the blood stream to the hair follicles. “It promotes hair growth and keeps the scalp healthy,” says Hussain.


Physiology of yoga on beauty

Improves blood circulation

Ever wondered about those naturally rosy cheeks? A rich supply of blood to makes the face bright and gives it a natural healthy glow. Yoga helps to flush out toxins from the body. As a result, the body maintains proper blood circulation which in turn gives us healthier skin and a rosy glow.

Opens up skin pores

Doing yoga opens up the skin pores and allows for better natural cleansing. This allows the skin to breathe and also speeds up skin regeneration. When the skin receives all the oxygen, it also remains elastic, supple, and evenly toned. Yoga also reduces the stress hormone which is known to cause acne outbreaks.


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Healthier mind, happier skin

Doing yoga opens up the skin pores and allows for better natural cleansing. This allows the skin to breathe and also speeds up skin regeneration. When the skin receives all the oxygen, it also remains elastic, supple, and evenly toned. Yoga also reduces the stress hormone which is known to cause acne outbreaks.

Facial yoga

Face yoga, a natural anti-aging technique, involves specific facial exercises to tone and rejuvenate facial muscles. By targeting key areas, such as the forehead, eyes, cheeks, and jawline, face yoga aims to reduce wrinkles, tighten sagging skin, and enhance overall facial contours.

Through consistent practice, it promotes increased blood circulation, delivering essential nutrients to the skin and encouraging collagen production. It also encourages lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and enhancing a youthful glow

As a non-invasive approach, face yoga offers a holistic method for improving skin elasticity, diminishing fine lines, and fostering a radiant complexion.
Simple face yoga exercises can also help people lose extra fat from their face like a double chin or chubby cheeks or just to attain a sharper jaw line. It can also help control skin related issues like acne, pimples, dark circles etc.

Skin and hair rejuvenation

Practising yoga poses such as the utthanasana, haradvaja, trikonasana or bhujangasan promotes blood flow to the face, increases oxygen supply to the skin and encourages skin rejuvenation.

Yoga can stimulate blood circulation to improve skin texture. There are certain postures that increase the flow of blood to the face, such as child’s pose, shoulder stand, and triangle pose. These poses all enhance circulation underneath the skin

Regular practice improves posture, toning muscles and sculpting a graceful silhouette. The detoxifying effect of yoga flushes out impurities, leaving a clearer complexion , vibrant skin, glossy hair, and strong nails. . Deep-breathing exercises enhance lung capacity, ensuring an oxygen-rich bloodstream that supports hair and nail health.

Additionally, the meditative aspects of yoga contribute to better sleep, a vital component for overall beauty and well-rested radiance.. In essence, yoga emerges as a holistic beauty regimen, enhancing both the physical and mental facets of one’s allure.

Improves digestion

People who have issues with digestion will tend to also look pale. Regular yoga practice can work wonders for your body’s digestion. This will dramatically have a positive effect on the skin, giving it that nice, healthy glow.

In conclusion, the amalgamation of ancient wisdom and modern research attests to yoga’s profound impact on beauty.

In conclusion , yoga emerges as a holistic beauty regimen, influencing both the body and mind. Scientific evidence supports its role in stress reduction, improved circulation, and collagen production, contributing to youthful skin and a vibrant complexion.Embracing yoga as a beauty practice is an investment in well-being, aligning ancient practices with contemporary understanding to unlock a timeless radiance that emanates from the harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga for Inner and Outer Beauty

With regular pranayama yoga practice, you stimulate you internal body organs and learn to free your mind of unnecessary mental clutter. This in turn will reflect well in your physical appearance.

In general a daily 30-minute pranayama session, along with specific yoga asanas is required to feel and see the benefits. Some pranayamas you can use include the following:
* Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
* Kapalabhati (Cleaning Breath)
* Shitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)
* Bhastrika (Bellows)
* Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)