Nihar Wellness – Yoga

Bed Time Yoga

‘’ The essence of bedtime yoga — a harmonious blend of movement, breath, and meditation that beckons the practitioner into a night of peaceful, rejuvenating sleep.’’


Benefits & What we do?

In the Moon’s Embrace: Weaving Movements with Night’s Rhythm

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of lavender and rose, a tranquil invitation beckons you to a realm of restful repose. Enter Dr. Nihar Sultana’s sanctuary of bedtime yoga, a sacred dance of the stars and the silent lullabies of the night.

Dance of the Dusk

Imagine your limbs releasing the burdens of the day, each stretch a whisper, each movement a poem of release.
Dr. Nihar, a guardian of nocturnal mysteries, guides you through poses that are like keys, unlocking the gates to deeper realms of rest and rejuvenation.

Under Starlit Skies: Merging Body, Mind, and Spirit

In this sacred practice, the breath becomes a lullaby, a rhythmic melody that soothes the restless mind and the soul .


Activities typically involved in a bedtime yoga session

Twilight’s Gentle Warm-Up

As the evening shadows lengthen, begin with gentle stretches that whisper to your muscles, awakening them softly from the day’s toil. These initial movements are like the first quiet notes of a nighttime symphony, setting the tone for relaxation.

Moonlit Asanas

Under the watchful eye of the moon, transition into a series of poses that honor the night. Each asana is chosen for its ability to soothe and calm, like the gentle caress of the cool night breeze. Flow through postures that release tension and invite serenity, such as forward bends and gentle twists. Each pose is a gentle nod to the moon, a silent prayer to the stars, inviting the wisdom of the cosmos to permeate your being.

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Breath of the Night Sky

Dr. Sultana teaches the art of pranayama, where each inhalation is a sip of cool, night air, and each exhalation a release of the day’s faded echoes.. These breathing exercises are like whispers exchanged with the stars, calming the mind and preparing the spirit for restful slumber.

Guided Meditation under Starlight

Dr. Sultana’s voice, soft and melodic, guides you through a meditation that encourages mindfulness and inner peace. Imagine your thoughts like clouds in the night sky, present but distant, as you focus inward.

Moonlit Visualization

Engage in visualization techniques that transport you to tranquil realms. Picture yourself in serene landscapes bathed in moonlight, each breath deepening your sense of peace and relaxation.

Savasana – Embrace of the Cosmos

Conclude with savasana, the final relaxation pose, where you are wrapped in the soft blanket of tranquility, you are invited to surrender completely to the arms of Dr. Sultana’s voice, a soft murmur in the velvet darkness, guides your journey into the land of dreams, where the lotus of your heart blooms in the lake of infinite peace.

Closing Rituals and Reflections

Gently awaken from savasana, bringing with you the tranquility of the session. Reflect on the practice with gratitude, carrying the calmness and peace into your night’s rest.

Herbal Elixir of Dreams

Optionally, conclude with a soothing herbal tea, like chamomile or lavender, to warm the body and soul, further enhancing the journey into restful sleep.