Nihar Wellness – Yoga

Flow Glow Face Yoga

"Trataka: The Art of Focused Vision, Nourishing the Soul Within by Harnessing the Magic of Intentional steady Gazing."
"Kriyas: Cleanse, Renew, Transform - Your Journey to Inner Purity."
"Unlocking Vitality: Continuing the Detox Flow Yoga Journey with Nihar Wellness"


Why Flow Glow Yoga

Specialized Techniques: Neti Kriya ,Dhauti kriya and Trataka

Neti Kriya Cleansing: Nihar Wellness’s Detox Flow Yoga includes Neti Kriya, a cleansing technique involving the use of a neti pot to clear the nasal passages. This ancient practice removes impurities, allergens, and promotes respiratory health.

Vamana Dhauti: is a cleansing technique in Hatha Yoga that involves drinking large quantities of water and then vomiting it out. It’s a part of the Shatkarma or six cleansing practices in yoga. The purpose is to cleanse the stomach and upper digestive tract, removing impurities and promoting digestive health.

Vastra Dhauti also known as cloth cleansing or Kunjal Kriya,is a purification technique that involves dipping a long strip of clean cotton cloth in warm saline water or herbal solution, then swallowing it slowly, allowing it to go down the throat and into the stomach. After a short period, the cloth is gently pulled out, bringing with it impurities and mucus, believed to cleanse the digestive tract, remove toxins, and improve digestion.

Trataka Meditation: Trataka, a meditative practice involving concentrated gazing, is seamlessly woven into the Detox Flow Yoga sessions. This technique enhances focus, relieves eye strain, and supports mental clarity.


Laghu Shankhaprakshalana

Laghu Shankhaprakshalana is a yoga cleansing technique that involves drinking saline water and performing a sequence of yoga postures to encourage bowel movement and eliminate toxins from the digestive tract to detoxify the digestive system, improve digestion, and enhance overall well-being. It’s crucial to practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor for safety and effectiveness.


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Engaging in Detox Flow Yoga with Nihar Wellness can have positive implications for various conditions:

Respiratory Issues: Neti Kriya aids individuals with allergies, sinusitis, or congestion by clearing nasal passages and promoting respiratory clarity, serving as a natural remedy for sinus issues and congestion by clearing nasal passages, removing impurities, allergens, and promoting optimal respiratory health.

Eye Strain and Focus: Trataka’s inclusion aids in relieving eye strain and enhances concentration, making it beneficial for individuals spending long hours on screens or experiencing vision-related issues. Trataka is a yogic technique involving focused gazing at a specific point, often a candle flame or a designated object. Nihar Wellness seamlessly incorporates Trataka into Detox Flow Yoga, infusing the practice with an additional dimension of mindfulness.

Stress-Related Disorders: Detox Flow Yoga’s holistic approach, including Neti Kriya and Trataka, contributes to stress reduction, potentially alleviating symptoms associated with stress-related disorders.

Enhanced Mental Clarity: Trataka, as a meditative practice, supports mental clarity, making it valuable for individuals seeking improved focus, memory, and overall cognitive function.It acts as a mental detox, promoting clarity of thought.

Nasal Cleansing : Neti Kriya, a centuries-old yogic practice, involves nasal cleansing using a saline solution. Nihar Wellness seamlessly integrates this technique into Detox Flow Yoga, enhancing the purification process.

Toxin removal: Vastra Dhauti aims to remove accumulated toxins, mucus, and impurities from these areas. This process is thought to improve digestion, promote better absorption of nutrients, and support overall digestive health.

Enhanced Pranayama: The practice of Neti Kriya prepares participants for pranayama (breath control) exercises within the Detox Flow, optimizing the intake of fresh, oxygenated air for holistic well-being.

In conclusion, Nihar Wellness’s Detox Flow Yoga with Neti Kriya is an immersive experience that transcends the physical, offering a journey of holistic well-being. Through expert guidance, personalized programs, and the integration of ancient purification techniques, Nihar Wellness invites individuals to embrace the profound benefits of Detox Flow Yoga. Whether seeking relief from specific health concerns or aiming for a comprehensive approach to vitality, this transformative journey with Nihar Wellness is a step towards balance, renewal, and a rejuvenated sense of well-being.