Nihar Wellness – Yoga

Weight Loss Yoga



Why Weight Loss

Yoga can be a beneficial component of a weight loss or fitness program, helping individuals achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. While yoga alone may not be as intense as some forms of cardiovascular exercise, it can contribute to weight loss in several ways.


Key aspects of Weight Loss Yoga

If your primary goal is weight loss through yoga, consider incorporating more dynamic and physically challenging styles such as power yoga, vinyasa, or hot yoga. Additionally, complement your yoga practice with a well-rounded fitness routine that includes cardiovascular exercise and strength training.

Calorie Burn:

While yoga may not burn as many calories as high-intensity cardio workouts, it still contributes to calorie expenditure. The level of calorie burn depends on the style of yoga and the intensity of the practice.

Increased Awareness:

Practicing yoga encourages mindfulness and awareness of the body. This heightened awareness can extend to dietary choices, helping individuals make healthier food choices and avoid overeating.

Stress Reduction:

Yoga is known for its stress-reducing benefits. Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area. By reducing stress levels, yoga may indirectly support weight loss.

Strength and Muscle Tone:

Certain styles of yoga, such as power yoga or vinyasa flow, involve strength-building poses that target various muscle groups. Increased muscle mass can boost metabolism and contribute to weight loss.

Balanced Hormones:

Yoga practices, including meditation and breath control, can help regulate hormones, including those that influence appetite and metabolism.

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